Deniz Kite Guner, PhD
Deniz Kite Guner, PhDFounder

Deniz Kite is the Founder of GMN (Global Mediators & Negotiators) which trains, mentors and certifies mediators in Turkey, Cyprus, Brazil, Argentina, Kyrgyzstan and Paraguay and certifies Turkish & Kurdish speaking mediators worldwide as an IMI (International Mediation Institute) QAP. She is the founder of Negotiators Society which promotes good negotiation practice and negotiation culture in Turkey & Central Asia and developed the Code of Conduct for Negotiators. Ms.Kite is the first professional mediator of Turkey & the first Turkish Speaking IMI Certified Mediator, Member of Consultants’ Panel at MBBI (Mediators Beyond Borders International) Washington D.C and Founder of MBBI Turkey, QAP Appraisal Committee Member at IMI, the first Turkish Musteshar of Egypt, listed international mediators of Milan & Florence Chamber of Commerce and a mentor at Workinton Incubation Center.

Who Is Negotiators Society

Building negotiation culture,

Promoting good negotiation practice
Facilitating negotiation trainings
Building standarts for skilled, reliable and wise negotiators
Qualifying negotiators globally
Spreading negotiation experience worldwide

Integrity & Ethical Conduct
Transparency & Reliability
Diligence & Commitment
Respect & Empowerment
Competence & Quailty

Our Works

Workshops 90%
Certification 95%
Mentoring 85%

Advisory Board

Prof. Ahmet Sözen, PhD
Prof. Ahmet Sözen, PhDAdvisory Board
Head Politics & International Relations Dept.,
East Mediterranean University
Prof. Jean Carlos Lima, PhD
Prof. Jean Carlos Lima, PhDAdvisory Board
President, Ibramac
Vice President, GMN
Prof. Christian Radu Chereji, PhD
Prof. Christian Radu Chereji, PhDAdvisory Board
Babeş-Bolyai University
UBB · Conflict Management Centre